A Brand New Song for Bernie!
When we decided to write and dedicate a song to Bernie Sanders and the movement that he inspired, we realized the ideals that he stands for go far beyond his campaign or his candidacy. They are...
View ArticlePeople complain that Bernie's not Perfect... So why hasn't he said anything I...
So Bernie isn't perfect. I can agree with that.But, he keeps on saying and doing the right thing even when I was expecting something else.I checked into his legislation [all of those amendments he has...
View ArticleChampioning for Social Change: From Woody Guthrie to Bernie Sanders
Folk music and politics have long been intertwined in American history, and some of the most powerful statements for social change have come out of the folk song tradition. A classic example is Woody...
View ArticleMusic of the Movement: Songs for Bernie Sanders
Campaign songs have a long tradition in American politics, from when William Henry Harrison’s campaign adopted “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” back in 1840 to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s campaign’s use of...
View ArticleBernie's Last Stand: California's June Primary
Improbably, it appears that the June 7th California primary will determine the nomination of both the Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, and the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump. After...
View ArticleThe Remaining Primaries... It's Not a "Hobson's Choice"
I am reminded today of the old story of “Hobson’s Choice”… Thomas Hobson was a 17th century livery owner with a large stable of horses. Prospective customers were lured to his stable on the false...
View ArticleWhy Bernie Wins When Cruz Leaves Race
Things are getting pretty interesting. Even though every news station will tell you that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, they are leaving out some very important information. I’m sure...
View ArticleA Song That Needs to be Sung Again and Again!
We are strength, we are love, we are Bernie. We’re the story that can’t be suppressed We’re the walk, we’re the march, we’re the journey. We’re the ones who will not be oppressed. We’re the fight...
RESIST - This is Not NormalIf we believe in the rule of law, we must fight for it. Our lofty values only exist in the form of survival we call civilization. Fear or hatred destroy our will to make...
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