As we cruise into the silly season of political grandstanding and ridiculously false claims by most of the candidates, I feel a need to discuss a topic that is holding this country and political environment hostage. That topic is labels. No, not the paper you find pasted around soup cans. (Although, that is exactly where they belong!) I’m talking about the words we use to describe, separate and disparage other people, places and things.
It has been a habit of this country, and probably many other countries, to use labels for the purpose of describing something. Right now, in the presidential primary race, there are two big labels being thrown around. They are liar and socialist. The label liar is being associated with Ted Cruz. Donald Trump is putting in some overtime in an effort to convince every voting republican that Ted is a liar. And it is working, partly because Ted can’t seem to find the truth even if he had a map. Despite Ted setting the pace for the republican candidates, they aren’t far behind. Facts don’t seem to be a high priority on that side of the isle as reported in this article by PolitiFact.
Now on the democratic side, Bernie is being labeled a socialist. Uh, wait a minute. He actually gave himself that label. Regardless, his political opponents are using that label to scare the shit out of the average voter. And why are they scared of that word? Great question! This is how I see it.
Labels are given to things in order to influence the perception of that thing. That perception can be either positive or negative. That depends on a person's moral compass. Now, the issues Bernie is running on are labeled as socialist. This is being done to promote the perception that socialism is a big negative. The weak minded fall into this trap of relying on the label to shape their ideology of these issues rather than using rationale and critical thinking. But to a thinking man who can see beyond the labels, the moral compass takes over. In other words, any rational thinking person believes that all people have the right to be healthy. But people who profit off of the sick call it socialist medicine which then shapes the perceptions of the weak minded. Everyone believes fair wages should be paid, but corporations call it socialistic redistribution of wealth, which then shapes people's perceptions.
So here is my message to my fellow American voters. Quit being so fucking lazy! Quit shutting off your brains and letting the media do your dirty work! You have a brain. Use it! Fill it with knowledge. Educate yourself on the candidates so that you can see beyond the labels. Learn what they are about instead of being force fed what others want you to think they are about. You have a responsibility to be an educated voter. Be one!
We have a ways to go. Especially my generation and the generation before mine, the boomers. Too many of us buy into these labels as if they are 100% accurate. Obviously, they are not. The awesome part is, millennials don't give a shit about labels. And they are going to vote.